Easter Parade

By Beth Craig

Easter Sunday was so different for most. I quite frankly was somewhat sad about not being able to travel to San Antonio to be with my sisters and mom and not see our son and daughter-in-law because she is a nurse. But the Easter parade made a HUGE difference in my day. What a gift it was to see the people of Grace and my co-workers--even from a distance! The sweetest part of that day was Mr. Lemon. He is a faithful member of our congregation and is on our campus most Sundays. He does not have a car and takes several busses with his walker in hand to get to Grace. He decided to be a part of the parade by showing up to be in the parking lot and greet folks. So as usual on Sunday--he took multiple busses to get our campus, grabbed a poster from Pastor Trey and greeted folks with the rest of the staff and their families. I'm so grateful for our Grace family--however that looks!

Easter Parade